Rising Strength

2022 was a really rough year for our whānau. My eldest went through some really hard things, and man, did it affect the whole family. At the end of the year, I looked back and thought to myself, holy moly, that was a shitty year! But we managed. We got through it, and came out stronger and more committed to each other.
Weaving this into a kete was so cathartic. I imagined I was stuck in a quagmire, and every step was hard to take. Getting out of it was such an effort, its hard to believe that we, as a family, managed it at all. The fact that we not only rose out of that horrible mess, but came out stronger, smarter and more ‘together’ was even better.
I wove a series of ‘Rising Strength’ kete, because I believe people can do hard things. Sometimes even the simplest things are the hardest, and the fact that every day we choose to keep going, well, that’s something to be proud of. ‘Rising Strength’ embodies that pride in our strength to carry on.