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Hey Māma

Hey Māma

Hey Māma 

You look tired 


Tired from holding everyone up 

Holding everything in 

Holding everything down 

Tired from the noise 

The constant noise in my head 

Have I done the washing/folding/dishes/dinner 

The constant questions 

Where's my shoes/top/pants/shirt? 

Have you seen my *insert anything here*? 

What’s for dinner (always fucking dinner!)? 


The mum guilt when I know I should do all the things but all I want to do is  


But breathe.  

And be quiet.  

Just for a minute, please just give me a minute 


Hey Māma 

You look sad 


Whats there to be sad about? 

Aren't you happy? 

You should be happy, you have beautiful kids 

And a beautiful home, and a wonderful husband who loves you 

Be happy! Be grateful! 

I am! I am.... 


Hey Māma 

Are you lonely? 


But how can I feel lonely in a house full of  

People who love me? 

I don’t know 

But I know I can coz I do 


Do you see me? 

Does anyone see me anymore? 

See me as more than the cleaner/cook/taxi? 

Hello? Anyone? 


Hey Māma 

I see you 

I get tired and lonely and sad too 

Let down your burden for a little while,  

It'll be ok. Have a cuppa. Breathe 

You got this. 

Written because sometimes motherhood sucks. It's overwhelming and oh so lonely.  

I wove a kete to match this, as I would often be overwhelmed by it all and need to weave my feelings out. Woven in Niho Taniwha for the story/teller, with bands of Takitahi in between to represent how alone we can feel as mothers 

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