A Fusion of Scottish and Māori

I have had the idea for these 3 kete in my brain for over a year. But making them a priority has been the challenge, so this koha season that’s what I did, I made weaving them a priority and carved out some time to complete them. Granted - only giving myself a week for 3 kete was a bit ambitious tho

If you know me, you would know that I have Scottish ancestry (as many Māori do), and my maiden name is Cockburn. My paternal grandfather travelled here from Scotland, met my grandmother in Auckland and started a family, of which my dad (Bob) was one of the youngest. He was lucky enough to have 3 sisters (he would probably dispute this
), all of whom are still alive today.

These kete are for my Aunts, my dads sisters, and represent part of our shared whakapapa, the Cockburn side. I am very lucky that they are still here with me, and I am actually hanging out with one tomorrow 

checking out the Maoriland exhibition in Ōtaki- hence my time crunch!

So. Here they are. 3 Kete in the Cockburn plaid (NOT a tartan, but dont ask me what the difference is
) pattern with muka handles. Finished just yesterday, which was, incidentally, my dads birthday. He would’ve been 77 
a fitting gift in his memory really.

Check out the full post and more images here!